8 Methods That Boost Your Grades
Kristy Lee – University of Bristol, PhD (School of Education/Research)
Manager, Star Tutors Singapore
8 Methods That Boost Your Grades
Good academic grades can help you get into the secondary school, junior college/polytechnic, and university and course of your choice.
This will create more opportunities for you throughout your life.
The study skills, social networks, knowledge and problem-solving abilities that you learn at school will support you through future studies, your career, and adulthood.
Sometimes, students might find that because of their own unique background, barriers, and learning style, it is slightly more difficult to fulfill their academic potential.
In this article, we describe 8 practical and effective ways to boost your academic achievement, no matter what challenges you face.
Why Is Academic Achievement So Important?
Each student is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses.
Academic achievement is a part of students’ success.
It is important to make sure that learners have the techniques, tools, and knowledge to tackle their goals in life.
8 Methods That Boost Your Grades
These 8 methods can help you make improvements.
You can pick and choose the methods that work best for you.
Ideally, you should aim to implement all of them in the longer term.
- Set Clear Learning Goals. When you set clear learning goals, you know what your expectations are, and what you should achieve, and how to get there.
The SMART goal method can be helpful here, and is particularly effective when you take part in writing your own goals using the SMART method:
- Specific. Define your goals clearly, and break them down into manageable steps
- Measurable. You can measure your progress against your past grades so that you know how much mastery you have achieved
- Achievable. Choose a goal that you will find motivational, not impossible
- Relevant. Whether your goal relates to skills, knowledge, study habits, time management, or grades, your goal should link directly to academic achievement
- Timely. Set a time frame with a deadline, so that you know what the milestones are, and how you can keep to this schedule
2. Personalized Instruction. When your study materials and notes are tailored specifically to your learning needs, your academic progress will improve dramatically.
All students are not the same. Each unique student has a different learning style, strengths, and weaknesses.
Supplemental learning, enrichment programmes, and home tuition can help fill the knowledge gaps.
- Active Learning. Regardless of your learning style, you can benefit from active learning.
Instead of passive receiving instruction, you should be solving problems, thinking critically, and researching new information and topics for yourself.
Research shows that active learning leads to better understanding, knowledge retention, and student engagement. It also helps you to develop critical thinking, social skills, and study techniques that you can use throughout your life.
- Ask For Feedback. When you receive specific, timely, and constructive feedback about your learning methods, you will perform much better at your exams.
- Collaboration And Teamwork. Collaborating with your classmates is a key part of active learning. It also supports teamwork, communication skills, and socio-emotional development.
When students work and solve problems together, you will create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where you can mentor each other, help with study skills, and school-work.
You can foster this type of teamwork through group discussions, shared projects, and guidance from your school teacher or private tutor.
- Build Growth Mindsets. A growth mindset is essential when you are learning content for your exams. A growth mindset is an attitude that encourages effort, perseverance, and resilience. Instead of thinking “I can’t do it”, students with a growth mindset will tell themselves “I can learn to do that”.
You will feel so proud of yourself when see improvement in your grades, study habits, or attitude in school.
SMART goals can also help foster a growth mindset. When you set specific and actionable goals, you can feel more confident that your hard work will pay off.
- Create Positive Learning Environments. Make sure that the challenge that you set for yourself remains enjoyable rather than overwhelming. When you create a positive and supportive learning environment, you will feel motivated to learn. The right atmosphere will give you the confidence to try new skills, take risks, and collaborate with your peers and classmates.
- Social And Emotional Learning (SEL). This includes abilities like self-awareness, social skills, and emotional resilience. These “soft” skills can have a significant effect on academic achievement.
SEL can help you manage your emotions during times of adversity, build collaborative partnerships with your classmates, and make responsible decisions about behaviour, study time, and subject choices.
Interactive learning, student collaboration, growth mindsets, group discussions, peer support, and peer feedback can all promote SEL and personal development.
Academic achievement is a powerful predictor of students’ future success.
When you plan your learning schedule carefully, you can effectively boost your academic achievements and reach your greatest potential.
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